Now that this site is back in action – I would like to dedicate my first real post here to a book review. This is for a book that is changing people’s lives, and I know it is already changing mine.
First, a disclaimer: I have so much praise to give this book and its author, that I might come across as if I’m getting paid to write this review – or that I am trying to make affiliate sales on the book. Trust me – I am NOT. I am genuinely just endorsing this book from my heart because it really deserves to be read!! And MJ DeMarco deserves people buying this truly outstanding book.
“The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco, is quite simply THE best book I have ever read in my life. This book has almost nothing but 5-star reviews on Amazon, and it’s with good reason! It is so well written, with so much thought-provocing material, that it might be the most life-altering book you will read (that is, unless you have already made your wealth into the millions).
I love reading, and over the course of many years I have read through a lot books on entrepreneurship, some biographies, business “how to” books, etc. etc. I’m sure most of you will already be familiar with classics like Rich Dad – Poor Dad, The 4 Hour Work Week, How to Get Rich, and The Richest Man in Babylon, to name a few. These are all good books for different reasons – and each of them will teach you some good lessons that will give you inspiration and a desire to succeed.
However – what they all lack is a crystal-clear roadmap (quite literally), and a way of thinking that will open your eyes and make you think “Ah, so THIS is how it’s done!”
Where most, or all, business books lack – MJ DeMarco manges to pretty much cover everything and then some from every angle. This is as close to a step-by-step PROCESS of how to become stinking rich as you will ever find. And when I say “step by step”, I do NOT mean that he will hold your hand and tell you what businesses to start, what to sell, what markets to enter, or anything like that. Those actual specifics are for YOU to figure out of course.
No instead, he brings you eye-opening topics that will answer questions like….
- Why you are wasting your time on certain flawed business models.
- How it IS in fact possible to “get rich somewhat quick” within 2-5 years (not to be confused with “get rich easy” – big difference.
- How you can set realistic, definite goals that will bring you the money and lifestyle you desire.
- How to identify the most profitable and scaleable business models – and block out all the white noise.
- I could go on and on. But he does really have it covered.
His advice on wealth acceleration is sure to leave you wanting to run out and start your first million-dollar business. If you’re working on one already – good for you.
“The Millionaire Fastlane” really should be part of every high school curriculum. If young kids and teenagers were thought the lessons in his book – this world would be one where people would be way less selfish, lazy, and unproductive. Sadly, most kids of today grow up with a careless attitude – destined to follow in their parents’ footsteps of 9-5 jobs and “job security”, only to wish and fantasize about “some day making it big” while blindly remaining in mundane jobs until retirement. Then when they retire – they will be too old to live the life they dreamed of as kids.
I will make damn sure my own two kids will NOT become part of that sheeple crowd. MJ DeMarco really writes in a style and humor that anyone can find easy to read. He goes deep enough into things to where you really learn a LOT. But at the same time, avoids ever making any of the content boring. Therefore, the book lends itself to younger readers as well – at least from ages 14 and up I would say. If you have kids – do them a favor by giving them this book as a gift, and make them promise you that they will read it. And don’t forget to read it yourself.
Don’t let the “salesy” book title fool you. Maybe it sounds cheesy to some (even the author admits he probably could have picked a better title), but I really think it fits the book well. You see, DeMarco lays out your journey to true wealth as a metaphor with you being the driver – on the highway (fastlane) to your dreams. Believe me, it will all make a lot of sense once you get into the book.
Go buy this book today, either in paper form, or on Amazon Kindle. Read it twice, or even thrice. And take all of his advice seriously. You can thank me later.
You can check out the book’s official website here (no affiliate link), and follow MJ DeMarco on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
Make sure to also check out the free Fastlane Forums – a great place to meet with others who have read the book. The number of great threads are growing, and there is a goldmine of info shared by some of the members who are now in the process of building out real, million-dollar businesses…